Sunday, October 19, 2008

Be Like Thomas...

While in Kerala, India (the southwest state) I made a pilgrimage to visit one of the seven and a half churches founded by Jesus' disciple Thomas (India was Thomas's apostolic territory). While I set out for Niranam, the driver received bad directions and got lost. When we figured out where we were, we were more than 100 kilometres from where we needed to be. But don't fret, we were in Kollam, and with a little technological help all was not lost. I logged onto Google and Gmail and identified one of the churches he founded in Kollam. The Internet told me the parish was called "Our Lady of Purification Church" AKA "Port Kollam Church" because it was founded for sailors and other seafarers. But when I got to where I was directed, there were no signs bearing either name. ..this church was called "St. Mary's. I began getting a little worried, because who wants to make a pilgrimage to the wrong place? I was additionally concerned because I had already been told that 2 other churches was this "Port Kollam" church. Anyway, I made my peace and entered the service, and hoped for the best.

Afterwards an English-speaking parishioner asked me if I knew the importance of the church….and I said reluctantly, hoping not to embarrass myself, that this one of Thomas' s churches. He confirmed and then took me to one parish's relics--a small enshrined fragment of cloth from one of Thomas's garments (Of course the original church is no longer standing!). Whew…this was the right place!

Anyway, how blessed it was to pray in the place where one of Jesus' followers is said to have walked. Indeed I was standing on holy ground.

Now, I think the Apostle Thomas gets a bad rap…we mostly remember him as "doubting Thomas" (c.f. John 20:24-30) But I prefer to call him a skeptic. He thought the idea of bodily resurrection was ridiculous, and quite honestly, who could blame him? So he said, "Until I touch the crucifixion scars, I will not believe that Jesus lives."

At the very least he knew exactly what he wanted. So he made his demand. Interestingly though, Jesus while rebuking Thomas, still chooses to visit Thomas. Which makes me wonder, if we might want to be a little more like Thomas. That is, let us admit our doubt…blind faith is blessed, but let's face it, we don't always have it. Be bold enough to declare what you need…if you need to touch the wounds then say so.

Let us ask ourselves the question: what experience do we need to have, in order for us to really believe?

1 comment:

J.E. Maxxwell Magee said...

Well Jay, I gotta say you're doing your thing man. I'm loving it. Keep it up.